House from the main path
Overview from the house
Pergola made by me, 2014
Pergola with wisteria
Pergola made by me, 2014
Blue garden looking out into the main space
The blue garden, 2023
Front entry steps with Diphylleia cymosa prominent
Fruits and leaves of Diphylleia cymosa
Inflorescence of Gunnera manicata
Polystichum munitium, top, with Rhododendron ponticum; Tolmiea menziesii surrounding
Polygonatum kingianum flowers
Flowers of Podophyllum pleianthum
Francoa sonchifolia
Phormium tenax 'Rainbow warrior' with Geranium 'Anne Folkard'
Tetrapanax papyrifera leaves in the wildfire smoke make the garden look like a Henri Rousseau painting
Garden bones in winter
Japanese maple foliage with Aspidistra 'Asahi' beneath
Fall foliage of Acer japonica 'Bloodgood' fallen on Polystichum polyblepharum
The chickens roaming the autumn garden
Chicken snack